...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Red Hot Garden

          Just when I thought I had no more tomatoes on the vine, the high temperatures in California's Central San Joaquin Valley have proven me wrong. Those little green tomatoes that had been hiding in the bushes up until now have lit up like big red bulbs on a Christmas tree. This is the harvest from yesterday evening.

          The cayenne peppers are turning from green to red.

           Even the banana peppers are turning red.



  1. We had a horrible year for tomatoes. However, I never tended to it and I think my husband just gave up after seeing the small tomatoes coming off it at the beginning of the season.

    1. I had less tomatoes this year than ever. Other gardeners have been telling me the very same thing. If I had just stuck with the Early Girl tomatoes, I would have done better. The heirloom varieties just don't stand up to the nematodes in the soil here. The plants grow, but they don't set fruit. The Early Girls don't produce great big tomatoes, but at least they are reliable.

    2. the 4X4 raised bed under the oak tree is doing better, then the 6x6 in the sun.. I put a shade cloth over part of it thinking it was too much heat, all afternoon sun... Tomatoes doing well, and picking the few Zucchini while they are small. But the tomatoes in the sunny one are not very big this year... Not sure what is happening..
      This heat is terrible. Some of my pots in the sun are doing well, but the cucumber has leaves, but no fruit... and I fertilize... still enjoying!


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