...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Surprise at the Top of the Ladder

          Two summers ago, I left my ladder under one of my cherry trees instead of putting it away right after picking cherries. A week or so later when I went to get it, a mother pigeon had already made a nest on the very top of the ladder and had laid eggs. The only decent thing I could do was let her have the ladder until the end of the summer. What a devoted mother she was!


  1. Animals choose their own spots, and we just wait.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Used to be a great Jewish Deli in Palm Springs also. Love chopped chicken livers, now I have to make my own.
    Although have not make them in years.. oh, sounds so good! Keep mom and pops in business.

    1. That does bring back good memories. Weiler's was the place I learned about chopped liver sandwiches, and to my surprise, liked them...especially since I am primarily vegetarian. I am also astounded to find someone else who appreciates the same thing. I just looked Weiler's up on the internet. They just have their Northridge store now--their original place of business.


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