...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Flowers In Your Hair


If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there

Songwriters: Kahn, Gus / Kaper, Bronislaw / Jurmann, Walter


I am actually running out of room to embroider on my Peace, Love, & Haight Ashbury quilt! I had started to stitch the second line of the stanza above in the yellow rectangle, but there was not enough space. I think I will end up having to do it by machine so I can make the letters a little smaller.

Seems miraculous that I am nearing completion on embroidering this quilt top. Here is the first image I ever posted of it. I have to laugh because in the process of deciding where the embroidery motifs would best fit, the left side of the quilt became the top. I did not even realize I had done that until just a few weeks ago.


Well, like I said, I did not start out with any intent to make this quilt. I just got my box of batiks scraps out and began piecing.

This is the link to the original post: http://quiltedtimeposts.blogspot.com/2013/02/peace-love-and-haight-ashbury.html


  1. Love the photo of the whole quilt top! It's SO colorful. Those flowers are gorgeous.
    Another wet weekend for us which means a dip in temperatures for the coming week.
    Have a great day.

  2. Love the colors, your idea with the flowers, gave me the thought of taking yarns and stitching over them. I love doing quilts like that, your placement of colors is wonderful!
    Merry Christmas! looks like we will not be having snow during the holidays... all melted up here now... hugs, v

  3. I just love looking at this...

  4. Can not wait to see this one in person!


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