...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rotten Tomatoes for Vampirestat


Has anyone else had their Blogger statistics skewed in a major sort of way? Gosh, I was thinking I was really popular since my blog was logging close to 200 pageviews on some days. Well, maybe not so much.

There are many bloggers who could probably care less. But you know me—the math and measurement geek. Any questions about why I revel in the exactness of piecing quilts? My boss at work loves the fact that I will crunch data for hours on end and even smile while I am doing it.

Apparently, there are spammers sites which show fake traffic to other people’s sites only to attract traffic to their sites. The best way to stop the nuisance from these sites is not to click on these sites, but it is not a cure. There is no way to effectively block the traffic on Blogger.

Not even rotten tomatoes.


Spam referrals like Vampirestat, Villainstat, Uglystat and Zombiestat sometimes lead web surfers to web pages containing malicious pieces of software that can affect your PC. Difficult not to click, though, huh?

The good news is that most commercial statistic counters that can purchased for Blogger don't include traffic from these sites. Their technology seems to be savvy about ignoring those fake pageviews. But Blogger does include all those spam-bot hits on our blogs. I—and probably thousands of other bloggers—have complained to no avail.

Admittedly, it is difficult to block such websites--even for Google. There are thousands of them out there.

I guess I will just have to stick to rotten tomatoes.

Addendum: Interestingly enough, the spammer sites left my blog alone when this article was first posted. I thought they had decided to leave a poor boring blogger alone. Several days later I posted “Spinach Before Ice Cream”. Within minutes, Vampirestat and 7secretsearch hit my blog almost 100 times. I guess they really liked my cat’s pictures. She really is quite a looker. Haha!


  1. It's sad that these people can't find something more productive to do with their time. Like us!

  2. My nephew has a wish for people that make our lives miserable that way, but I won't say it here. I always think if the people that do this put their minds toward something that helped mankind, just how much could they accomplish!

    I have another blogfriend who has had so much trouble with them...

  3. I had a good chuckle over you smiling while data crunching. I'm allergic to numbers. ;)
    I had no idea about vampirestat - cheeky bums.

    1. I am really not kidding, Toni. Just last week, I begged my principal to excuse me from a meeting so I could crunch numbers and make computer graphs with our school psychologist. She had to get it cleared by our superiors, but ultimately, my wish came true. :-).

    2. I believe you, Kay, I just can't imagine it being enjoyable. You go. :)

    3. That is amazing! I was pretty good at math but do not like it AT ALL! Good for you for using All of your brain-I, however, am still a halfwit:) I am with Toni on this one!

  4. I've never even heard of those traffic sites. I am not a counter of visits to my blog though. You know for a fact that I will always check out your blog so that is at least one legal count. (I may not always comment every time though.)

    1. Barb, I do appreciate that have always been a loyal reader.


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