...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Peace, Love, and a Groovy Backing


There were many years that I thought I had lost my mind the day I purchased the bright multicolored batik that is draped over the right side of the settee pictured below. I wouldn’t even store it with the rest of my treasured batiks. It just didn’t seem to fit in. Too outrageous! Into a dark closet it went, and out of my mind.


Then just this past winter, I created “Peace, Love, and Haight Ashbury”. At the time, I auditioned several backing fabrics for the funky wall hanging, but none seemed just right. Wait until summer, I thought. No need to jump the gun and buy something new.

Well, as you know, summer always does come, and I was back to deciding what to do about a backing for this free-spirited quilt. On a whim, I pulled open the before mentioned closet door, and there was that big hunk of rainbow fabric. Just over 3 yards of it.

I held it up next to my quilt and shook my head.


Perfect, I think. Maybe I did know what I was doing when I bought that wild fabric.


  1. Absolutely perfect...I love it!

  2. Yep that is the perfect fabric for that quilt. Another good reason to never give away fabric. :)

  3. It IS perfect! The quilt and backing are gorgeously wild and summery.

  4. Rainbow Sherbet-beautiful! You will have to take a picture when it is hanging on your wall.

  5. Hot,hot, hot! A perfect summer quilt!

  6. Maybe that fabric was also residing in the back of your brain, where it acted as inspiration, a jumping off point, for said quilt top.

    I wonder what other treasures that closet holds? ;)


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