...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Delicious Day of Quilting

Today was a delicious day of quilting. No appointments. No having to leave the house to do anything. No visitors.

I suppose I could have let these bright Roma tomatoes call my name to do something with them--not to mention the three other bowls of produce that sit overflowing on my patio table. But I really needed a day to balance my thoughts and level my emotions. It's wonderful how quilting does that for me.

In the meantime, the tomatoes will just have to wait. Quietly. Colorfully. Beautifully.






  1. And with my eyesight I thought they were strawberries initially! Gorgeous photos...and that day sounds like one of my favourites

  2. Jealous here! I go out every morning to see if the tomatoes are turning yet-not yet! Your Roma's are beautiful.. How many plants did you put in? Glad you had a good day.

    1. There are eight plants, and they are just beginning to produce. Happy, happy, happy!

  3. Love those Romas! I didn't grow any of those this year. *pouts*
    Have a great Thursday!

  4. They look yummy! We have finally started having some ripen. Now you will have them to look forward to when you need a break from quilting.

  5. Quilting IS therapy for many people.


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