...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Llamas, Llamas, Love Their Mama

          Vivian has all kinds of cool things going on at her house. Besides all her artsy, craftsy projects, she's got llamas. Yes, I said llamas. Four of them. I couldn't wait to get there and get my llama fix.

          Here is Vivian feeding grain by hand to three of her brood. I don't recall their names, but she let me feed the dark brown one that is standing behind her in the picture.
          As you can see, this one has quite a coat. Vivian has used some of the fibers in the past for various projects, including dying some of the lighter wool. I do believe she waited until the coat was no longer on the llama before she did that. :-)
          This llama was more interested in posing for all the cameras than eating grain. Quite a ham!


  1. Interesting animals...my sister has 2 alpacas at her place

  2. thanks for posting the "kids", they love their photos taken.

    1. I was hoping that you and your critters would enjoy the post. They did seem to enjoy posing.


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