...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cutting, Cutting, Cutting…


I think I must be a goose. I always forget how long it takes to cut fabric for a project.

These are my ugly fabric squares that I am cutting for my utility quilts.


From comments that some of my readers have made, it is fair to assume that they think I am making these quilts FOR the cat. Nope, it is because of the cat. Look what Nico does to the fleece throw that is presently along the back of the couch. It doesn’t take him long to pull the whole thing off. Then he perches somewhere else on the couch and gets it all furry.

Good thing he is cute.


I have to say that cutting all of these ugly squares is downright boring. Every now and then, I have to stop and slice off a few strips of batik.


That makes me feel a whole lot better.


  1. Thank goodness for batiks! They are quilting therapy.
    Look at that spoiled Nico; what a big baby. :)

  2. Quilts are made to protect furniture from the pets. I get that for sure.

  3. I bet those uglies will make a beautiful quilt. And the pets won't care that's for sure.

    1. I think my couch might be embarrassed. :-(.

    2. ROFL!! I'm baking meatloaf *shudders* so I needed a laugh. Thanks!

    3. That must be one wicked meatloaf, Toni.

  4. Those uglies are going to make a beautiful quilt. Actually, have seen very, very few quilts that I thought ugly. But my question is, what are you going to do with the batik strips?

    1. Rose, at my show I got so much positive feedback from my Haight Ashbury quilt from my friends and fellow quilters. They told me that I need to do more of that style. I had already started a larger one similar to "Fields of Bounty" but got stuck. "Fields of Bounty" allowed me to work through the construction problems on a smaller scale. That was a good challenge for me.

  5. Nico will make those ugly squares beautiful. He is so handsome. The quilt will become a foil to his beauty:) Our Bella is white and what a mess she leaves!

  6. haha! You may not think you're making a quilt for the cat, but I'm guessing the cat knows differently! :)


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