...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Maybe I’ll Go Sleeveless


Not me, really. My quilts. I have three quilts finished, but no sleeves for hanging. Only one of them has a label.


I will have time between now and show time on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock to make the sleeves, but not stitch them onto the quilts. Safety pins will have to do.


I am SO GLAD my quilts are not being judged at this show.


  1. If they are not being judged - who will look at the backs - some things you don't need to worry about now.

  2. *rofl* Surely no one will care about well stitched sleeves while there are rainy windows, snails and peace and love to see and appreciate. They only want a place to shine.

  3. They are all just so pretty....

  4. This Saturday-how exciting!!! Do not take the time to reply to my comment until after the show. then all your readers who can't attend are going to want all the wonderful details.

  5. I can't wait to see all of your creations!


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