...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Postcards for the CPQ Quilt Show


Yesterday evening was the meeting of the Cotton Patch Quilters Show Committee. It was amazing to see all those bright, wonderful ladies working so harmoniously together. They are always full of surprises.

First of all were these awesome postcards that advertise our show. Didn’t they turn out nicely?


A close-up.


Another close-up.


And I have a pleasant surprise for several friends. I had thought that the cost of admission was $10. It is really $5. Children who are less than 16 years of age get in free.


  1. Is that quilt pictured on the post card one of yours? It is a beauty!

    1. I wish I could take credit for that striking quilt. This is my guild's opportunity quilt, and it was made by a group of ladies who a guild members.

  2. Getting my little group together to come see you there. Are you getting excited?

    1. Getting a little nervous but feeling better after our quilt show committee meeting. Everyone was so sweet and helpful.

  3. How exciting; I hope someone will take lots of pictures at the show for you to share. You'll probably be too nervous so give your camera to a good friend and tell them to snap away. All you'll have to do is smile and absorb all the praise that will be heaped on your lovely quilts. Just a month away, cool.

  4. Thanks, I am just feeling a lot of responsibility to set up an attractive display in the booth that they have allotted me. Our show is a fundraiser, and the proceeds go for quality speakers and instructors for our guild members as well as for charity projects. I want to do a good job so the public will come back to our quilt shows in the following years and support us.

  5. You will do a wonderful job. No stressing-enjoy this journey. So very excited for you!

  6. Great posters, wish I was closer and could come.


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