...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yoga, Greek Food, & Chinese Lanterns


Yesterday evening I attended a yoga workshop with my most favorite teacher ever, Francine, at the Yoga Space. She is not only a wonderful and inspirational teacher but is a lot of fun, too. After our yoga class, her family treated us to an authentic homemade Greek dinner. Before we parted for the night, we sent lovely Chinese lanterns and prayers into the universe.

My childhood friend, Robin, came along to enjoy all of the festivities.

What a sweet and memorable evening!










  1. oh, looks sooo good,,, did they let the lanterns fly or was there string on them,,, and how were they lit... beautiful!

    1. We just let them fly. There is a small layered square of primed material--probably cardboard covered with a dark film--that is suspended in the middle of the wire hoop at the bottom of the lantern. You have to sort of tilt the hoop to light the square with a flame, being careful not to burn the sides of the lantern. You hold the lantern upright until it fills with the warm air, then release it. They do not stay lit all that long as they rise in the sky.

  2. I love Chinese lanterns, that had to have been super cool. Authentic Greek food is the BEST! Lucky you!
    Every year in October a Greek Church in Knoxville puts on a Greek Festival where they dance, display Greek all sorts of things from their culture and sell their wonderful homemade dishes and baklava....so good.

  3. How much fun was that!!! Sounds like a lovely evening:)

  4. I would have loved the Chinese lanterns....sounds like you had a really good time.


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