...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Shopping Bag Surprise

This past weekend I made a trip to a local fabric store and came home with more than I intended. No, I did not get carried away and buy everything in sight. I kept to my list and spent less than $30. The thing is, when I got home and went to unload my shopping bag, I found something inside that I had not intended to buy: A spool of ribbon.


Trust me, I had not even picked that spool up to look at it while I was in the store. It had obviously been lying on the counter, and the clerk threw it in with my order. I guess. It only ended up costing 35 cents after all the oodles of coupons and guild cards I used, so it’s not like I lost a lot of money. Driving it clear across town to return it would cost 6 times that much in gas. Maybe more.

So, I will keep it. Thank goodness it is black, and I will probably be able to use it on something.

Now I really sweep those store counters clear when I make a purchase. No more surprises for me!


  1. I'm sure you will find a purpose for your surprise? Maybe you were the 1 millionth customer. :)

  2. Sure like that fabric it is sitting on:)

  3. Replies
    1. Just thinking that if they "give" that surprise to all of their customers and charge them for it, the income will add up over time. Creative marketing?


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