...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Autumn Pepper Harvest

          Last weekend I decided that I had better get busy picking peppers before the cold weather and frost sets in. I picked most of the bell peppers and the Anaheim chilies. I got a start on the spicy banana peppers, which have been incredibly prolific this year. There are lots of cayenne peppers left on the bushes as well.

          These are most of the varieties of bell peppers I grew this year--yellow, gold, purple, orange, green, and the tiny black buttons in front.

          The thinner red and green chilies below are Anaheim peppers. They are on the hot side and great for using in casseroles. The thicker orange and yellow pepper are the spicy bananas, which as peppers go, are not that spicy. There are many, many more where these came from. I think I foresee a lot of chopping and cooking this coming weekend.

1 comment:

  1. you are amazing,, if I get one pepper, I think I am doing well... probably should just buy them at the store... Fantastic!


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