...because our quilts are a reflection of the times in which we live.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Facings and Sleeves


          If I didn’t know better, I would think from the title of my post that I was back to making garments—something I began doing when I was about six years old. Did anyone else make clothing for Barbie dolls and trolls? I sure did. I didn’t care so much for the dolls but they did make great models for my creations. I even sold one of my Barbie skirts when a little friend thought it would look better on her doll than mine. It probably did.

          Well, back to the facings and sleeves. I have decided to face my art quilt and have been busy readying the fabric strips. I thought that I might as well do the sleeve at the same time. I am still not sure about what kind of label I want to make.


           My gardener is due in about a half hour to make sure we are in agreement about which trees need to be pruned. As soon as he leaves (no pun intended), I will get busy with squaring and trimming the quilt in preparation for the facings.


           My gardener has all kinds of tree trimming in his future. More about that later.


  1. I can't wait to see your quilt!

    Someone gave me a Barbie doll wearing a pink & while striped swimsuit when I was in third grade. I didn't like dolls so I was appalled and gave it to my younger sister. She chewed Barbie's feet to nubs. O.O
    We were late boomers, I suppose, as we didn't learn sewing until home economics class in high school, which is really a shame.

    I'm wondering if you are going to have the gardener chip the branches and put them on your garden? (I'm still struck by the results people are getting by gardening the Back to Eden way.)

    Have a great evening working on that mysterious quilt! :D

  2. As a quilter, I knew what your title meant!

  3. I loved my Barbie Dolls. But I never made clothes for them. Too tiny! I did make garments though. Quilting is much more fun!


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